Trust in AI-assisted Decision-Making

This is a study on Trust in AI-assisted decision-making (ADM) that takes the perspectives of the partictioners (those behind the system) and the decision subjects (those for whom the decision is made). This study presents interviews of people from these two groups in order to better understand the concept of trust in this context and… Continue reading Trust in AI-assisted Decision-Making

NIME 2023

New Interfaces for Musical Expression (NIME) is the primary conference in musical interactions and interfaces. NIME 2023 takes place in Mexico from May 31 to June 3. Check out the conference website: This year, we have two publications that will be presented at the conference, both by Théo Jourdan, post-doctoral researcher at ISIR, part… Continue reading NIME 2023


Seminar organised on May 15th at Sorbonne Université in Paris Technology is ubiquitous in our daily lives, be it personal, social, professional, medical. The aim of this seminar is thus to explore the cultures of technology, i.e. technology as situated rather than detached and decontextualised. In particular, this seminar will inspect artificial intelligence and machine… Continue reading Seminar